Thursday, March 30, 2006

Metro Musings ii

On the train to work this morning, I was reading Conversation 1 from a small book titled "The Practice of the Presence of God." I was inspired to write the following poem:

Practicing the Presence of God

What does it mean to practice the presence of God?

Shall we always walk in humble obedience?
Should our heads hang low conscious of the weight of His glory?
Should our hearts sing with unspoken praise at the works of the Creator?

Yes, yes and yes.

The presence of God is indeed
a humbling, weighty, and joyful place.

It sustains us in times of deep and mournful trials,
It surrounds us in the midst of dangerous toils and difficult passes.
But most of all it is the evidence

of our relationship
our ongoing conversation
our painful walk and glorious journey

with Christ our Father and our friend.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Love that book! You pray as you live! It is so exhilarating that even ADD's like me can pray as they go about their day. The only time I can not pray is at prayer times!